
Exhibition Hunting Images with Miguel Delibes. Photos by Francisco Ontañón

This sample consists of a selection of 40 images out of 120 photos Francisco Ontañóntook to show the work of Miguel Delibes’ book „El libro de caza menor“, published in 1964.

The exhibition is completed by a bibliographic selection, letters, journalistic articles and personal haunting objects of the author. José María Parreño is responsible for the curation of the exposition.

It should be highlighted that the photos do not only depict moments of the hunting ambit, but also group photos or images of the rural world and landscapesof that time.

Exhibition Common Homeland. Delibes illustrated

The exhibition includes 30 original illustrations, all of them made with different techniques. These illustrations accompany text sections, selected by Delibes himself. Other material will also be shown, for example illustrated editions of his books and 20 original drawings made by Delibes, that were created for the American version of El Camino, targeted to scholars and published in 1960.

The drawings summarize the core elements of Delibes values that constitute his notion of “patria común” (common homeland): respect for nature, the defence of the rural world, life in the cities, progress, friendship, family, love, tradition, war or death. The ten selected textfragments comprise ten oeuvres of Miguel Delibes, written between 1947 and 1989, and introduce us to 15 boys and girls that stem from different backgrounds.

Exhibition Five Hours with Mario. Fifty years of history

In a letter to the editor Josep Vergés, on the 7th of May 1966, Miguel Delibes includes the following two lines: “I’m currently finishing my new novel Five Hours with Mario. I think I could send it to you next month.” In that moment, Delibes was 45 years old, almost the same as Mario. The original idea was to finish the novel in December, just before Christmas, but it wasn’t until the 3rd of January 1967 that the first samples could be sold. This means the 50th anniversary of one of his most-read novels.

The exhibition is supposed to offer a tour of the fifty years of the novel. Many will be reminded of certain moments of their lives, and the younger audience will get the opportunity to approach a world that might still be unknown for them, even though not too far away in time.

The exhibition shows documents, letters, photos, press sections, studies and translations of one of the most read and translated novels of Miguel Delibes, adapted for theatre and interpreted by Lola Herrera, that lead to a big success among the audience.

Exhibition Miguel Delibes Illustrator. The drawings of El Camino

In this exhibition there are 21 drawings in total, 20 of them were made by Miguel Delibes for the northern American edition of El Camino that was published in 1960. A little time afterwards, a new drawing was added -the sixth of this exhibition- for the edition of the novel, published in London in 1963.

It shouldn’t fall into oblivion that in 1941, Miguel Delibes obtained his first job as a cartoonist for El Norte de Castilla, a newspaper from Valladolid he always was bound to and directed from 1959 until 1963. The drawings the author did for El Camino are characterised by the sharpness and security of the execution and a certain naivety that suits perfectly with the content of a novel that tells the story of a boy called Daniel, el Mochuelo, who remembers experiences, games and antics with his childhood friends.

Even though the main aim of this exhibition is to show a rather unknown facet of Miguel Delibes, the one as a cartoonist or illustrator of his own work, certain parts of the novel of El Camino accompany the drawings.